Joel Peck

Joel PeckJoel Peck
CPA – College Financial Planning
Joel Peck & Associates

(212) 382-2455

Joel Peck is a Certified Public Accountant with over 25 years of experience. He has developed his expertise over the past 10+ years by designing “Getting Money for College”, a program that teaches ALL parents of college-bound students how to work the financial aid process for their own benefit, using their leverage as educated consumers to get colleges to reduce the cost of tuition.

Parents often fail to realize that colleges compete for students by offering tuition discounts that are completely discretionary, based neither on the family’s finances nor on the student’s academic scores.

As parents, we want to send our children to the colleges they want. I advise parents how to maximize the financial aid they receive, often significantly in excess of their calculated financial need. Imagine what that could do for you and your child. For those parents who are feeling the burden of limiting their children’s college choices because of finances, I teach the parents how to unlock the secrets of Getting Money for College.